Make a Home Workout Space that Helps You Workout
Jul 07, 2021
As this summer rolls along my home town is finally able to open up and loosen Covid restrictions, just as many other places around the globe are seeing more restrictions again. Folks are out and about here and while it did take me a couple of weeks to acclimate to the changes, I'm definitely enjoying the new normal.
I know a lot of folks are looking forward to going to their local studio or gyms again. I attended a yoga class on the beach last week which was fabulous!
Yet that doesn't mean it's time to say goodbye to your home workouts or your home practice space yet.
Actually, I recommend that you always have an enticing home exercise/meditation space that you want to spend time in.
Do We Still Need Home Workouts?
Home workouts like Pilates and yoga are not just for when your local gym is closed!
They're a great way to get movement in everyday, and make your classes and sessions at the studio much more effective. In fact, I consider a consistent home practice to be an essential part of your physical and mental health - it is really is a game changer!
You probably already know that meditation and mindful exercise (like Pilates and yoga) have been shown to improve core strength, posture, boost mood, decrease feelings of anxiety and depression, improve sleep, and reduce stress.
But did you also know that daily exercise or meditation (even as little as 15 minutes) has been linked to more of these benefits than sporadic bouts of exercise?
That’s why it’s important to have a clear plan to get in no-fuss movement each day, and knowing where it’s going to happen in your home is often the key to making sure it does.
You don’t have to waste time commuting, or getting dressed in fancy clothes when you know when, where, and how you’re going to practice each day at home!
Home Workouts Space 101:
Whether you’re just starting with home workouts or have been practicing at home for years, it’s important to keep your space fresh and inviting so you actually want to spend time there.
Otherwise it'll be that much harder to actually use your home workout space!
The good news is that your home exercise spot does not need to be a big space with flashy equipment, or even be exclusively used for working out.
It can be as simple as dedicating a spot in your home to workout and store equipment, or even creating a bag with props and a mat that you can take with you to an empty room whenever you get a free moment away from your household.
It will be best if it meets some basic guidelines so you'll be motivated and inspired to practice.
Make sure your home space meets these criteria to get the best results!
- Comfortable: Wherever you choose to do your home workouts should be a comfortable space with some sort of temperature control. If it's too cold or too hot, it will impact your workouts and possibly even be harmful for your health.
- Convenient: If at all possible it's best to have a dedicated space for your gear and mat. This way you don't have to spend all your precious workout time setting up your space. If it's not possible to keep your mat in a dedicated area, create a bag with your mat and props so you can just grab them and set them up quickly.
- Easy: Also, I am a big fan of working out in your PJ's if you have too! I often wake up a little earlier than the rest of my family to meditate and move, and if I took the time to get dressed first I would lose out on my alone time!
Uncluttered: If you can keep your space clean and uncluttered it's best. I think we've all seen the classic image with a forgotten treadmill buried in laundry - this is NOT what you want in your home workout spot! You want to keep your space ready to go so you have to do as little as possible to start your workout. I guarantee you that if folding the laundry has to happen before your workout, your workout is probably not going to happen!
- Private: Having a space where you can retreat and be alone with your workout will make your workouts more effective and probably more enjoyable. I know that for some of you this isn't really an option (I'm a mom so alone time is rare). When I do get interrupted in a workout by my daughter or my dog and I've found that if I give them a quick hug or pat and keep going, they tend to lose interest and go about their way - leaving me to finish my workout uninterrupted!
*** I've worked out with my daughter and my dog climbing all over me, and it does have a certain kind of charm to it! If this is your situation it's okay - it's always better to do something instead of nothing, so just do what you can when you can.
- Enlist Help: This tip isn't so much about how you set up your space as it is about when you use it. Use any help you may have at your disposal, including screen time! If your kids watch anything on a screen I recommend using that time for your workouts. I try to limit screen time, partially because when she does get to watch something she gets really into it and I have some freedom to do things that will refresh me, and working out is often a winner!
How to Store Your Gear & Props:
Prop storage has just become a big issue for me. We recently moved from a 1700 square foot house into a 700 square foot house.
I went from having a dedicated studio room with a door that locked to practicing in whatever room is empty at the time! It's a big shift, but I'm adjusting and it's helping me keep more disciplined about my when I do my self-practice actually!
The best thing I've done so far is assemble a props basket that I can grab to take with me wherever I’m working out that day. It’s easily portable and discreetly sits in a corner of the living room when not in use.
My new beloved props basket!
This is a game changer and lets me practice outside or even on our deck. All I have to do is grab the basket and viola - the studio goes with me!
Setting this up helped me get back into my regular routine after the move, which has incredibly benefited my overall outlook on life again!
Plus I'm stoked to have a use for this old basket. It was my mom's, it's hand-woven and really beautiful, and it makes me happy to use it. Multiple wins!
Don’t Wait for Perfection:
The best tip I can offer is not to wait for perfection to workout or meditate. It’s almost never the perfect time and you may not have the perfect space either, but I can almost guarantee that you won’t regret using the time you have.
Just like with all good things in life, it’s best not to leave them to chance. Organize your space and schedule your time so you can give yourself some love each and every day.
You deserve it dear!
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