How to do Ab Crunches (or Ab Curls) Correctly
Mar 06, 2019
Don't you just love ab curls?
Said no one, ever.
Well, as a Pilates instructor for almost 20 years I've taught and done a lot of them throughout the years.
And there is definitely a right way and a wrong way to ab curl technique.
The right way can strengthen your abs (and your core), improve digestion, improve posture, and work the relationship between the pelvis and torso.
The wrong way can put you at risk for low back or neck injury, worsen neck and shoulder posture, and doesn't strengthen your core!
As the Pilates great Eve Gentry is quoted as saying, "There is no bad movement, just movement badly done."
This statement has always guided my approach to teaching Pilates and movement, and I think ab curls perfectly embody this principle.
So before you do another ab curl or crunch, check out this video tutorial that explains how to do them correctly so you get all the benefits and none of the pitfalls.
If you're not sure if you should be doing ab curls at all then check out podcast episode 14, which explains who should and shouldn't be doing ab curls (as they aren't appropriate for everyone)!
What do you think about bad movement versus movement badly done? Any exercises out there that you labeled as "bad" and you might be rethinking that assessment? Let me know in the comments below!
Much love friend!
Free Pilates Core Workshop: Join my FREE Love Your Core Intro to Pilates Workshop - 4 video tutorials to help you connect and integrate your core:
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