Pilates to Boost Your Energy

Feb 24, 2020


We probably have all had those days where we would really love some more of it!

I just had a few very tired days after taking care of my daughter who had a cold and was coughing for most of 2 nights in a row. 

Fatigue makes me feel cranky, irritable, and seriously unable to concentrate - tell me I'm not alone!

So I put together this class that is full of energy boosting Pilates and yoga moves (that are perfect for when you don't have a lot of energy to feel like doing a hard workout).

It's full of gentle but energizing movements and poses that are designed to get you moving and generating some natural energy without running for more caffeine or sugar to make it through your day.

Of course, there are other tips that will help you get more energy on a tired day, some of my favorites are:

- drinking a glass of water 

- having an afternoon snack that is high in healthy fats and protein (celery and peanut butter, nuts, avocados)

- going for a walk

- doing my energy boosting Pilates class!

What about you?

What's your favorite tips to revive a sleepy day? Let me know below and let me know how your like the class!

Much love,




Free Pilates Core Workshop: Join my FREE Love Your Core Intro to Pilates Workshop - 4 video tutorials to help you connect and integrate your core: https://www.kyautumn.com/love-your-core-pilates-workshop

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