New to Pilates? Start the Right Way with These Simple Tips!
Mar 27, 2021
Pilates Beginner?
We NEED to chat friend! Pilates is not the same as starting a regular fitness routine. As a mindful movement practice there's a bit of complexity and nuance to each movement. HOW you do the exercises are often more important than WHAT you are doing, and MOST Pilates classes don't break this down!
We're talking about how to best start a Pilates practice in today's Chat on the Mat #matchat.
I'm sharing my top tips every beginning Pilates student needs to hear so they can practice Pilates correctly and still get results from beginning level workouts!
It's possible to start feeling stronger, more connected, taller, and more balanced after just a few short lessons, but only if you're practicing with proper form and technique.
What does that mean and how do you do it? Watch this short, 12 minute video to find it.
I'll also give you the top 3 mistakes that can stop even the most enthusiastic beginning Pilates student! Don't let these happen to you, friend. I know that Pilates can change your life and make you feel amazing - so please make sure to set yourself up for success from the start.
So...what are your favorite tips to start a Pilates practice?
Come let me know on Instagram @kyautumnpilates or on Facebook and join the chat on the mat!
Much love,
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